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Future-Proof Selling

Feb 24, 2020

Shawn Finders grew up as one of North America’s top tennis players, traveling around the world competing to be the next Andre Agassi.  He was told at age 23 that he had to decide to try and become a tennis professional or get an MBA and go down the education route.   

Shawn is now the CEO of a sales automation platform that is used by 3000+ sales professionals around the world.  He specialises in generating leads and sales strategy implementation. Throughout this interview Shawn provides his first hand experience for improving sales strategies in a way that benefits all parties.  

In this episode Steven and Shawn explore:

  • How Shawn went from playing pro tennis to becoming a sales entrepreneur
  • The issue with poor quality data and how Shawn is working to provide higher quality data to all of his clients
  • A look at whether companies are wasting money on data  
  • Shawn's perspective on prospecting and the sequences sales professionals should follow
  • Employing a 7-8 touch sequence and techniques to make the process effective and build trust with prospects
  • Understanding your potential prospects and why this is an essential first step
  • Shawn's approach to email structure, subject lines and engaging new prospects
  • Using video in email sequences and how effective it can be
  • How to act on live prospects and ensuring the process is working
  • Adapting the cadence for larger deals with bigger companies
  • A humorous approach to closing
  • Shawn shares some extra tips around the sales sequence 

You can check Shawn out in the links below -

Shawn Finder - LinkedIn

Shawn Finder - Website